The complete solution for holding and measuring your circuit board.
PCBite is the perfect tool for handling your PCB during the design process. Powerful magnets combined with a stainless steel base plate provide flexibility, mobility and user-friendliness. The holder can easily be relocated to deal with printed circuit boards of different shapes and sizes. The probe is sturdy yet flexible and can be used for immediate measurements or totally hands-free operations with your multimeter or another preferred tool.
It comes with the great PCBite holders, which are very useful to fasten a PCB for soldering, rework or analysis.The metal plate has a mirror finish which helps to see the bottom part of the board you're working on. The probes come with a very precise gold needle tip. The tip contains a spring like a pogo pin, as a result, it keeps an equal amount of pressure on the board and does not move if there are vibrations or if you carefully move the board around.
With each probe, there is also a different needle with a crown tip. This alternative tip is more like a really tiny fork to be placed on small wires and pins. Additionally, there are two pin headers attached to the probe, which makes it very easy to connect them to any kind of equipment.
- 4× PCBite holder
- 1× Large Base plate (A4)
- 4× SP10 probes with pin tipped test needles
- 4x Extra crown tipped test needles
- 1x Set of yellow insulation washers
- 5x Dupont to dupont test wires
- 2x Banana to dupont test wires
- 1x Micro fiber cloth
Get Inspired

If you want to upgrade your soldering setup without spending a lot of money, then be sure to check out Angelo Casimiro's DIY Hakko 907 station. This low-cost device features an Arduino Nano to read the iron temperature via an LM358 op-amp, and regulates power to the handle and tip under PWM control using an IRFZ44N MOSFET. A potentiometer is implemented as a variable temperature knob, with the actual and preset temperature displayed on a 16x2 LCD screen, while an LED indicates whether the heating element is active. Everything is encased in a nicely printed and painted enclosure, which forms a brilliant little station that one could be proud to use. Full build instructions can be found here, including the PCB, code, and print files.