The Nano Every is Arduino’s 5V compatible board in the smallest available form factor: 45x18mm!
The Arduino Nano is the preferred board for many projects requiring a small and easy to use microcontroller board. One example is low cost robotics, where the Nano is broadly used. If you are in the situation of needing many boards for your classroom, or if you need to present a complex prototype with many functional blocks, this pack will offer you exactly what you need: a series of Arduino Nano Every boards at a discounted price.
The Arduino Nano Every is an evolution of the traditional Arduino Nano, but featuring a lot more powerful processor, the ATMega4809. This will allow you making larger programs than with the Arduino Uno (it has 50% more program memory), and with a lot more variables (the RAM is 200% bigger).
The pack is available in two sizes with either 3 or 6 boards of Arduino Nano Every without headers. Whether you want to minimize the size of your prototypes or share the joy of electronics with your friends, this is the best option you will find.
Get to Know More
To know more about the history of the Nano Every don’t miss the interview with Dario Pennisi, Arduino’s hardware and firmware development manager, who led the development of this board.
Getting Started
The Getting Started section contains all the information you need to configure your board, use the Arduino Software (IDE), and start tinkering with coding and electronics.
Need Help?
Check the Arduino Forum for questions about the Arduino Language, or how to make your own . For any issues when acquiring products at the Arduino store, contact our Store Customer Support. If you purchased the Nano Every Pack and found any issues get in touch with the Official Arduino User Support as explained at our Contact Page.
You can find here your board warranty information.
Tech specs
The Arduino Nano Every is based on the ATMega4809 microcontroller.
Microcontroller | ATMega4809 (datasheet) |
Operating Voltage | 5V |
Input Voltage (limit) | 21V |
DC Current per I/O Pin | 20 mA |
DC Current for 3.3V Pin | 50 mA |
Clock Speed | 20MHz |
CPU Flash Memory | 48KB (ATMega4809) |
SRAM | 6KB (ATMega4809) |
EEPROM | 256byte (ATMega4809) |
PWM Pins | 5 (D3, D5, D6, D9, D10) |
UART | 1 |
SPI | 1 |
I2C | 1 |
Analog Input Pins | 8 (ADC 10 bit) |
Analog Output Pins | Only through PWM (no DAC) |
External Interrupts | all digital pins |
USB | Uses the ATSAMD11D14A (datasheet) |
Length | 45 mm |
Width | 18 mm |
Weight | 5 gr (with headers) |
Resources for Safety and Products
Manufacturer Information
The production information includes the address and related details of the product manufacturer.
Arduino S.r.l.
Via Andrea Appiani, 25
Monza, MB, IT, 20900
Responsible Person in the EU
An EU-based economic operator who ensures the product's compliance with the required regulations.
Arduino S.r.l.
Via Andrea Appiani, 25
Monza, MB, IT, 20900
Phone: +39 0113157477
Email: support@arduino.cc
OSH: Schematics
The Arduino Nano Every is open-source hardware! You can build your own board using the following files:
Pinout Diagram
Download the full pinout diagram as PDF here.
Download the Fritzing file here.
Learn more
Get Inspired
Using the Garmin LIDARLite v3HP, Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 and Pushsafer to detect an intruder and send a push notification to a smartphone.
Being able to monitor the weather in real-time is great for education, research, or simply to analyze how the local climate changes over time. This project by Hackster.io user Pradeep explores how he was able to design a simple station outdoors that could communicate with a cloud-based platform for aggregating the sensed data. The board Pradeep selected is the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 owing to its low-power SAM D21 microcontroller and Wi-Fi/BLE connectivity for easy, wireless communication. After configured, he connected a DFRobot Lark Weather Station, which contains sensors for measuring wind speed/direction, temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure — all in a compact device. Every second, the MKR WiFi 1010’s sketch polls the sensors for new data over I2C before printing it to USB. The cloud integration aspect was achieved by leveraging Qubitro’s platform to collect and store the data for later visualization and analysis. To set it up, Pradeep created a new device connection and copied the resulting MQTT endpoint/token into his sketch. Then once new data became ready, it got serialized into a JSON payload and sent to the topic where a variety of widgets could then show dials and charts of each weather-related metric. To read more about this DIY weather station, you can visit Pradeep’s project write-up here.
Batteries, Pins and board LEDs
- Batteries: the Nano Every has no battery connector, nor charger. You can connect any external battery of your liking as long as you respect the voltage limits of the board.
- Vin: This pin can be used to power the board with a DC voltage source. If the power is fed through this pin, the USB power source is disconnected. This pin is an INPUT. Respect the voltage limits to assure the proper functionality of the board.
- 5V: This pin outputs 5V from the board when powered from the USB connector or from the VIN pin of the board.
- 3.3V: This pin outputs 3.3V through the on-board voltage regulator.
- LED ON: This LED is connected to the 5V input from either USB or VIN.