Go interactive with your applications with this new sensor kit! 37 sensors are included in one kit, which definitely gives you a bigger bang for your buck.
In the version of this sensor kit, we add more sensor modules like, color sensor, digital wattmeter, heart rate monitor sensor, conductivity sensor switch, and digital shake sensor. Besides that, there are RGB LED module, speaker, vibration motor module, DC motor module and RGB backlight display to help you build up your interactive projects.
Use a variety of sensors to realize your brilliant idea! All of our sensors employ Gravity standard interface, plug and play, also we have a huge amount of code data for your reference. Plug everything in our IO expansion board, burn the codes into it, and then you are ready to go.
With everything included in this kit, you will be able to sense color, heart rate, light, temperature, gas, humidity, flame, direction or let you project speak, shine, and display text.
This Kit Includes:
- Gravity: TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor
- Gravity: Heart Rate Monitor Sensor
- Gravity: I2C Digital Wattmeter
- Gravity: Conductivity Sensor Switch
- Gravity: Digital Shake Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Grayscale Sensor
- Gravity: Analog LM35 Temperature Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Ambient Light Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Vibration Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Tilt Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Capacitive Touch Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Magnetic Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Sound Sensor For Arduino
- Gravity: Analog Carbon Monoxide Sensor (MQ7)
- Gravity: Analog Voltage Divider V2
- Gravity: Digital Piezo Disk Vibration Sensor
- Gravity:Analog Rotation Potentiometer Sensor V2
- Gravity: Joystick Module V2
- Gravity: Analog Flame Sensor
- Gravity: Triple Axis Accelerometer MMA7361
- Gravity: Digital Infrared Motion Sensor
- Gravity: URM09 Analog Ultrasonic Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Soil Moisture Sensor
- Gravity: Steam Sensor
- Gravity:Digital Push Button (White)
- Gravity: Digital Push Button (Red)-DFRobot
- Gravity:Digital Push Button (Yellow)
- Gravity:Digital White LED Light Module
- Gravity:Digital RED LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital Green LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital Blue LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital RGB LED Module
- Gravity: Digital 5A Relay Module
- Gravity: Digital Speaker Module
- Gravity: Vibration Motor Module
- Gravity: 130 DC Motor Module
- Gravity: I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD with RGB Backlight Display
Discover more about the sensors included in the set!
Get Inspired
Using the Garmin LIDARLite v3HP, Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 and Pushsafer to detect an intruder and send a push notification to a smartphone.
Being able to monitor the weather in real-time is great for education, research, or simply to analyze how the local climate changes over time. This project by Hackster.io user Pradeep explores how he was able to design a simple station outdoors that could communicate with a cloud-based platform for aggregating the sensed data. The board Pradeep selected is the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 owing to its low-power SAM D21 microcontroller and Wi-Fi/BLE connectivity for easy, wireless communication. After configured, he connected a DFRobot Lark Weather Station, which contains sensors for measuring wind speed/direction, temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure — all in a compact device. Every second, the MKR WiFi 1010’s sketch polls the sensors for new data over I2C before printing it to USB. The cloud integration aspect was achieved by leveraging Qubitro’s platform to collect and store the data for later visualization and analysis. To set it up, Pradeep created a new device connection and copied the resulting MQTT endpoint/token into his sketch. Then once new data became ready, it got serialized into a JSON payload and sent to the topic where a variety of widgets could then show dials and charts of each weather-related metric. To read more about this DIY weather station, you can visit Pradeep’s project write-up here.