Grove - Temperature & Humidity Sensor (SHT31)
Sold outGrove - Temp&Humi Sensor(SHT31) is a highly reliable, accurate, quick response and integrated temperature & humidity sensor.
The sensor(chip) used in the module is designed with Sensirion’s CMOSens® technology. The chip is well calibrated, linearized and compensated for digital output.
The typical accuracy of this module can be ±2%RH (for relative humidity) and ±0.3°C (for temperature).
This module is compatible with 3.3 Volts and 5 Volts and hence does not require a voltage level shifter. This module communicates using with I2C serial bus and can work up to 1 MHz speed. We also have provided a highly abstracted library to make this product more easier to use.
Using the sensor is easy.
For Seeeduino (compliant with Arduino), just connect this breakout board with the main control board via Grove cable.
Then use the provided library and example/demo code available at GitHub to get your data. If you’re using an Arduino without a Base Shield, simply connect the VIN pin to the 5V voltage pin, GND to ground, SCL to I2C Clock (Analog 5) and SDA to I2C Data (Analog 4).
- Highly reliable, accurate and quick response time
- Grove compatible and easy to use
- Well calibrated, linearized, compensated for digital output
- Highly abstracted development library
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With the Earth’s population still on track to increase by another two billion people by the year 2050, finding ways to feed them without causing grave harm to the environment is a top priority. Currently, fish is one of the most widely consumed foods in the world, and a new technology called biofloc helps provide both a food source and environmental stabilizer to fishponds without the need for dangerous chemicals/processes. As part of element14’s Just Encase Design Challenge, Md. Khairul Taifur had the idea to create a device that could sit within a pond and report detailed telemetry for environmental markers, as well as correct minor water quality issues via the use of a heater and water pump. His system is based around a MKR WAN 1300, which is responsible for collecting data from each sensor and then sending it to the cloud with its onboard LoRaWAN module. To make the system independent from an external power source, Taifur included a small 5V solar panel, power management board, and rechargeable battery pack. Once his firmware had been finalized, everything was carefully placed inside of a waterproof electrical box and sealed to only expose the sensors. This biofloc monitoring system has great potential as a proof-of-concept of how future fish farms might operate in a more sustainable manner. You can read more about the project here on element14.