CircuitMess Spencer
DIY voice assistant that teaches you about microcomputers and electronics, sound processing, IoT, artificial intelligence, voice recognition and speech synthesis!
Follow the instructions here!
Spencer is a DIY voice assistant that talks, lights-up, connects to the internet, and understands simple voice commands.
He also has a funny personality, tells jokes, and finds new ones online.
The LED display on Spencer’s face has a 144-pixel LED grid that can show data, custom icons, animations, and scrolling text
Things you can do with Spencer:
- Ask about the weather forecast for your area
- Hear a joke
- Ask him to sing you a song
- Set a stopwatch
- Make Spencer display custom animations
- Laugh at his corny popular culture references
Talk to Spencer!
Spencer has a microphone and understands what you say (like, REALLY understands).
You can code new functions that will be triggered when you say certain sentences and words.
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Arduino Pro is introducing a powerful new member of the Portenta product family, the Portenta Machine Control. It’s a fully-centralized, low-power, industrial control unit able to drive equipment and machinery. Plus, you can program it using the Arduino framework or other embedded development platforms. Thanks to its computing power, the Portenta Machine Control enables a wide range of predictive maintenance and AI use cases. It enables the collection of real-time data from the factory floor, while supporting remote control of equipment, including from the cloud. Key benefits include: Shorter time-to-marketEnhance existing productsAdd connectivity for monitoring, as well as controlEach I/O pin can be configured, so you can tailor it to your needsMake equipment smarter, as well as AI-readyProvide security and robustness from the ground upOpen new business model opportunities (such as servitization)Interact with your equipment with advanced human-machine interfaces (HMI)Modular design for adaptation, expansion and upgrades Business as a Service The Portenta Machine Control allows companies to enable new business-as-a-service models. You can monitor customer usage of equipment for predictive maintenance while gathering valuable production data. The device enables industry standard soft-PLC control. Because of this, it's able to connect to a range of external sensors and actuators. For example, the following options are all available. Isolated digital I/O, 4-20mA compatible analog I/OThree configurable temperature channelsDedicated I2C connector. Multiple choices are available for network connectivity, including USB, Ethernet and WiFi and BLE. Furthermore, it offers impressive compatibility through industry specific protocols such as RS485. All I/O are protected by resettable fuses, but on-board power management ensures maximum reliability in harsh environments. The Portenta Machine Control core runs an Arduino Portenta H7