CircuitMess Spencer
DIY voice assistant that teaches you about microcomputers and electronics, sound processing, IoT, artificial intelligence, voice recognition and speech synthesis!
Follow the instructions here!
Spencer is a DIY voice assistant that talks, lights-up, connects to the internet, and understands simple voice commands.
He also has a funny personality, tells jokes, and finds new ones online.
The LED display on Spencer’s face has a 144-pixel LED grid that can show data, custom icons, animations, and scrolling text
Things you can do with Spencer:
- Ask about the weather forecast for your area
- Hear a joke
- Ask him to sing you a song
- Set a stopwatch
- Make Spencer display custom animations
- Laugh at his corny popular culture references
Talk to Spencer!
Spencer has a microphone and understands what you say (like, REALLY understands).
You can code new functions that will be triggered when you say certain sentences and words.