Go interactive with your applications with this new sensor kit! 37 sensors are included in one kit, which definitely gives you a bigger bang for your buck.
In the version of this sensor kit, we add more sensor modules like, color sensor, digital wattmeter, heart rate monitor sensor, conductivity sensor switch, and digital shake sensor. Besides that, there are RGB LED module, speaker, vibration motor module, DC motor module and RGB backlight display to help you build up your interactive projects.
Use a variety of sensors to realize your brilliant idea! All of our sensors employ Gravity standard interface, plug and play, also we have a huge amount of code data for your reference. Plug everything in our IO expansion board, burn the codes into it, and then you are ready to go.
With everything included in this kit, you will be able to sense color, heart rate, light, temperature, gas, humidity, flame, direction or let you project speak, shine, and display text.
This Kit Includes:
- Gravity: TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor
- Gravity: Heart Rate Monitor Sensor
- Gravity: I2C Digital Wattmeter
- Gravity: Conductivity Sensor Switch
- Gravity: Digital Shake Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Grayscale Sensor
- Gravity: Analog LM35 Temperature Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Ambient Light Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Vibration Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Tilt Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Capacitive Touch Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Magnetic Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Sound Sensor For Arduino
- Gravity: Analog Carbon Monoxide Sensor (MQ7)
- Gravity: Analog Voltage Divider V2
- Gravity: Digital Piezo Disk Vibration Sensor
- Gravity:Analog Rotation Potentiometer Sensor V2
- Gravity: Joystick Module V2
- Gravity: Analog Flame Sensor
- Gravity: Triple Axis Accelerometer MMA7361
- Gravity: Digital Infrared Motion Sensor
- Gravity: URM09 Analog Ultrasonic Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Soil Moisture Sensor
- Gravity: Steam Sensor
- Gravity:Digital Push Button (White)
- Gravity: Digital Push Button (Red)-DFRobot
- Gravity:Digital Push Button (Yellow)
- Gravity:Digital White LED Light Module
- Gravity:Digital RED LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital Green LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital Blue LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital RGB LED Module
- Gravity: Digital 5A Relay Module
- Gravity: Digital Speaker Module
- Gravity: Vibration Motor Module
- Gravity: 130 DC Motor Module
- Gravity: I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD with RGB Backlight Display
Discover more about the sensors included in the set!
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We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Arduino Portenta Breakout, designed for developing hardware projects, testing, and debugging on Portenta family boards.The Portenta Breakout exploits all the capabilities of the input and outputs, making all high density connectors’ signals individually accessible. The Portenta Breakout reduces development time for industrial grade solution automation based on the Portenta line. Designed to help the hardware engineers and makers who want to develop a proprietary device for Portenta family boards or interfacing external devices to the Portenta family boards (e.g. the Portenta H7). It is now quick and easy to connect and test external hardware components and devices in the lab using all the high density connectors’ signals of the Portenta individually. Rapid development for machine vision Connectivity to the OpenMV Global Shutter Camera Module is provided on the Portenta Breakout, allowing for rapid development of machine vision applications alongside the Portenta family. Test external hardware and devices The Portenta Breakout enables easy debugging through the JTAG connector and allows for inspection of the bus lines through the breakout pins. In addition to the breakout pins, the Portenta Breakout features Ethernet, USB and SD sockets, a coin cell, a power button, an external power supply, an OpenMV camera socket, and configurable boot selection modes. Features include: Power ON buttonBoot mode DIP switchConnectorsUSBARJ45 GBit EthernetMicroSD cardOpenMV shutter moduleMIPI 20T JTAG with trace capabilityPowerCR2032 RTC lithium battery backupExternal power terminal blockI/OBreak out all Portenta high density connector signals Male/female HD connectors for interposing breakout between Portenta and shield to debug signals Beyond use in the development lab, the Portenta Breakout can act as a first point of entry for educating technicians in industrial grade control and embedded