Makey Makey Classic
Makey Makey Classic combines phisical reality with the Internet. It allows you to use common objects to control circuits and computers.
Make STEM fun with the invention kit for everyone! Start out easy with a banana piano, then draw your own game controller, build musical instruments, sneak a cat selfie, and dance like never before. Initial setup takes only seconds. Just plug, clip, and play! No programming knowledge needed. No software to install. Works with Mac OS, Windows, Chromebooks. Turn everyday objects like bananas into touchpads! Connect the world around you to your computer! 100s of FREE online project guides. Limitless creative possibilities! Ages 8 to infinity.
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This is a universally usable game controller that can emulate seven different key inputs.
In this video Massimo explains the Arduino Leonardo, talking about its differences with Arduino UNO and playing around with its mouse & keyboard features. If you want to have a closer look to the latest arrival in the Arduino Family click here, if you want to follow Massimo's project click here. Arduino Leonardo comes in two different flavours: with headers and without headers.