Ring with 24 RGB WS2812 LEDs and integrated driver
Neopixel ring with 24 RGB LEDs that can be individually controlled, each of which can produce 256 shades of its color, resulting in a total of 16,777,216 colors.
The data channel for communication is a One-Wire serial type and can be controlled with microcontrollers like Arduino.
You can set the refresh frequency as desired to make certain light effects imperceptible. Multiple rings can be cascaded together to create various effects.
Tech specs
Power supply: 5 Vdc.
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Save the date on May 28th-30th, Arduino will be back at SPS Italia in Parma, showcasing how our open-source solutions are revolutionizing the industrial sector with high performance and accessibility. At Arduino’s booth #C020, hall 7, we’ll be presenting the latest additions to our ecosystem, designed to help companies of all sizes embrace digital transformation and the Industrial IoT. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store: Opta: the “Swiss Army knife” of industrial automation Opta is our versatile micro PLC: reliable, secure, and open-source, it avoids vendor lock-in and is the ideal choice for both newcomers and seasoned professionals. Opta can be programmed with standard IEC 61131-3 languages or within Arduino’s environment, offering unmatched flexibility. “With Opta, we aim to support companies looking for increased visibility into their processes through IoT retrofitting, breaking down barriers to industrial automation, and those that produce machinery, seeking a ready-to-use controller for IoT and edge AI. Opta offers high performance, secure connectivity, and unprecedented programming flexibility at an affordable price,” says Arduino’s CEO Fabio Violante. Opta Expansion Modules to boost your projects New expansion modules allow you to enhance Opta’s capabilities: the Arduino Pro Opta Ext D1608E, Arduino Pro Opta Ext D1608S, and Arduino Pro Opta Ext A0602 provide additional programmable inputs, relay outputs, and analog I/O options for diverse data acquisition and control needs. Live demos for a hands-on experience Explore live demonstrations of Opta and other key products from our Portenta and Nicla families. Discover how these solutions can be applied to industrial automation, remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, and more! A strategic partnership with Melchioni Electronics We’re excited to collaborate with Melchioni Electronics, enhancing our reach and support for Arduino’s innovative solutions.