The Arduino Starter Kit Classroom Pack is a bundled solution, containing six of the popular Arduino Starter Kits.
This Classroom 6-Pack is for a classroom of at least twelve students — the recommended ratio is two students per kit — and intended for use starting from middle school teachers onwards, looking for an extensive educational solution for learning how to use the Arduino platform.
Each kit contains an Arduino Uno Rev 3 board, a collection of sensors and actuators, and — most important — a guide book which will help students and teachers to take their first steps into the world of electronics, with interactive and sensing objects.
Each Arduino Starter Kit contains a full color 170-page book with instructions for fifteen projects:
01. GET TO KNOW YOUR TOOLS: An introduction to the basics.
02. SPACESHIP INTERFACE: Design a control panel for a starship.
03. LOVE-O-METER: Measure how hot-blooded you are.
04. COLOR MIXING LAMP: Produce any color with a lamp that uses light as an input.
05. MOOD CUE: Let people know how you're doing.
06. LIGHT THEREMIN: Create a musical instrument you play by waving your hands.
07. KEYBOARD INSTRUMENT: Play music with this keyboard.
08. DIGITAL HOURGLASS: A light-up hourglass that can stop you from working too much.
09. MOTORIZED PINWHEEL: A colored wheel that will make your head spin.
10. ZOETROPE: Create a mechanical animation you can play--and in reverse.
11. CRYSTAL BALL: A mystical tour to answer all your tough questions.
12. KNOCK LOCK: Unlock a door with a secret knock.
13. TOUCHY-FEELY LAMP: A lamp that responds to your touch.
14. TWEAK THE ARDUINO LOGO: Control your personal computer from your Arduino.
15. HACKING BUTTONS: Create a master control for all of your devices!
Tech specs
Each Starter Kit includes:
1 Projects Book (170 pages), 1 Arduino Uno, 1 USB cable, 1 Breadboard 400 points, 70Solid core jumper wires, 1 Easy-to-assemble wooden base, 1 9v battery snap, 1 Stranded jumper wires (black), 1 Stranded jumper wires (red), 6 Phototransistor, 3 Potentiometer 10kOhms, 10Pushbuttons, 1 Temperature sensor [TMP36], 1 Tilt sensor, 1 alphanumeric LCD (16x2 characters), 1LED (bright white), 1 LED (RGB), 8 LEDs (red), 8 LEDs (green), 8 LEDs (yellow), 3 LEDs (blue), 1 Small DC motor 6/9V, 1 Small servo motor, 1 Piezo capsule [PKM17EPP-4001-B0], 1 H-bridge motor driver [L293D], 1 Optocouplers [4N35], 2 Mosfet transistors [IRF520], 5 Capacitors 100uF, 5 Diodes [1N4007], 3 Transparent gels (red, green, blue), 1 Male pins strip (40x1), 20 Resistors 220 Ohms, 5Resistors 560 Ohms, 5 Resistors 1 kOhms, 5 Resistors 4.7 kOhms, 20 Resistors 10 kOhms, 5Resistors 1 MOhms, 5 Resistors 10 MOhms
Resources for Safety and Products
Manufacturer Information
The production information includes the address and related details of the product manufacturer.
Arduino S.r.l.
Via Andrea Appiani, 25
Monza, MB, IT, 20900
Responsible Person in the EU
An EU-based economic operator who ensures the product's compliance with the required regulations.
Arduino S.r.l.
Via Andrea Appiani, 25
Monza, MB, IT, 20900
Phone: +39 0113157477
Email: support@arduino.cc
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… usar, los alumnos simplemente tienen que conectar el dispositivo Android a la placa, montar el proyecto, y después usa los sensores que contiene la shield y los módulos plug-and-play para simular las atracciones. Los datos son transmitidos del experimento a el dispositivo móvil del alumno via Bluetooth, donde se puede ver y analizar el resultado obtenido en la app Science Journal de Google o en las fichas de los alumnos. Arduino Education Science Kit Physics Lab no está pensado para usarse únicamente en clase. De hecho, los alumnos pueden usar el kit en exteriores para convertir su recreo en su propia feria de ciencia aplicando los conceptos que han aprendido, y así, diseñar y probar sus propias atracciones. Basado en el uso de Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 , que es un laboratorio portátil incluyendo un grupo de sensores para medir luminosidad, temperatura, movimiento, campos magnéticos y mucho más… todo esto en una caja Gratnells protectora. Arduino Education apunta a apoyar a los profesores proporcionando nuestros programas, contenido online y las hojas del alumno en el mayor número de idiomas posible: no solo en los idiomas Europeos relevantes, por ejemplo, Árabe y Japonés están planeados para futuras actualizaciones. Lo siguientes idiomas para Science Kit Physics Lab serán Alemán, Húngaro y Portugués. MÁS INFORMACIÓN Da oggi Science Kit è disponibile anche in italiano e spagnolo. Nel Gennaio 2019, in collaborazione con Google, Arduino Science Kit Physics Lab è stato lanciato sul mercato, per studenti di scuola media (tra 11 e 14 anni) e non solo, con l'obiettivo di esplorare la scienza, divertendosi. Da oggi, i contenuti del corso sono disponibili in italiano e spagnolo, rendendolo ancora più accessibile. “Sei tu che esperimenti in prima persona, ed è stato davvero divertente poterlo fare” ha commentato uno studente inglese dell'accademia di ARK Burlington Danes. Arduino Science Kit Physics Lab