Go interactive with your applications with this new sensor kit! 37 sensors are included in one kit, which definitely gives you a bigger bang for your buck.
In the version of this sensor kit, we add more sensor modules like, color sensor, digital wattmeter, heart rate monitor sensor, conductivity sensor switch, and digital shake sensor. Besides that, there are RGB LED module, speaker, vibration motor module, DC motor module and RGB backlight display to help you build up your interactive projects.
Use a variety of sensors to realize your brilliant idea! All of our sensors employ Gravity standard interface, plug and play, also we have a huge amount of code data for your reference. Plug everything in our IO expansion board, burn the codes into it, and then you are ready to go.
With everything included in this kit, you will be able to sense color, heart rate, light, temperature, gas, humidity, flame, direction or let you project speak, shine, and display text.
This Kit Includes:
- Gravity: TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor
- Gravity: Heart Rate Monitor Sensor
- Gravity: I2C Digital Wattmeter
- Gravity: Conductivity Sensor Switch
- Gravity: Digital Shake Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Grayscale Sensor
- Gravity: Analog LM35 Temperature Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Ambient Light Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Vibration Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Tilt Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Capacitive Touch Sensor
- Gravity: Digital Magnetic Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Sound Sensor For Arduino
- Gravity: Analog Carbon Monoxide Sensor (MQ7)
- Gravity: Analog Voltage Divider V2
- Gravity: Digital Piezo Disk Vibration Sensor
- Gravity:Analog Rotation Potentiometer Sensor V2
- Gravity: Joystick Module V2
- Gravity: Analog Flame Sensor
- Gravity: Triple Axis Accelerometer MMA7361
- Gravity: Digital Infrared Motion Sensor
- Gravity: URM09 Analog Ultrasonic Sensor
- Gravity: Analog Soil Moisture Sensor
- Gravity: Steam Sensor
- Gravity:Digital Push Button (White)
- Gravity: Digital Push Button (Red)-DFRobot
- Gravity:Digital Push Button (Yellow)
- Gravity:Digital White LED Light Module
- Gravity:Digital RED LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital Green LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital Blue LED Light Module
- Gravity: Digital RGB LED Module
- Gravity: Digital 5A Relay Module
- Gravity: Digital Speaker Module
- Gravity: Vibration Motor Module
- Gravity: 130 DC Motor Module
- Gravity: I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD with RGB Backlight Display
Discover more about the sensors included in the set!
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In a world where energy bills are climbing and the environment is on our minds, keeping tabs on how we use energy at home has become a smart move. Every gadget we plug in impacts our wallets and the planet. That's where home energy monitoring comes in – giving us real-time info on how we're using energy, so we can save money and do our bit for the Earth. This post delves into home energy monitoring, spotlighting how to track your energy consumption using the Arduino Cloud and a Tuya-compatible energy meter with Node-RED acting as a middleware. What's the deal with home energy monitoring? Home energy monitoring is all about watching how much energy we're using at home. It's not just about paying the bills; it's about knowing what's eating up energy, so we can be smarter about it. Why does it matter? Well, first off, it helps us be more aware. When we can see which devices are energy hogs (looking at you, always-on TV), we can take action. And with energy costs going up, finding ways to save money is a no-brainer. Plus, with everyone talking about being green these days, knowing where your energy goes is like a badge of honor for doing your part. The ingredients The key component in this setup is an energy meter designed to monitor both real-time and cumulative power consumption, along with metrics such as voltage and current. This meter is installed within your home's electrical distribution board. Tuya-compatible devices have gained widespread popularity due to their affordability, user-friendliness, and seamless management through the SmartLife application. Moreover, these devices can also be seamlessly integrated into alternative platforms through the utilization of the Tuya API. The Arduino Cloud stands out as a versatile and user-friendly IoT platform, supporting a wide range of hardware. It's not only customizable and adaptable to suit different purposes and use cases, but it also streamlines the incorporation of multiple devices,