Ring with 24 RGB WS2812 LEDs and integrated driver
Neopixel ring with 24 RGB LEDs that can be individually controlled, each of which can produce 256 shades of its color, resulting in a total of 16,777,216 colors.
The data channel for communication is a One-Wire serial type and can be controlled with microcontrollers like Arduino.
You can set the refresh frequency as desired to make certain light effects imperceptible. Multiple rings can be cascaded together to create various effects.
Tech specs
Power supply: 5 Vdc.
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Getting started with electronics and sensing the world around you is now easier than ever with the new all-in-one Arduino Sensor Kit from Arduino, in partnership with Seeed. The 10 most popular modules and sensors for your Arduino UNO have been integrated onto a single board, providing plug-and-play convenience without the need for any soldering or wiring! Combining basic Grove sensors and actuators for the Arduino UNO, the kit contains a base shield featuring the following modules that can be connected either through the digital, analog, or I2C connectors: An OLED screen4 digital modules (LED, button, buzzer and potentiometer)5 sensors (light, sound, air pressure, temperature, and accelerometer) Just plug the Arduino Sensor Kit into the Arduino UNO, then you're ready to follow the Plug, Sketch & Play online lessons that make getting started a breeze. The kit is equipped with 16 Grove connectors, which when placed on the board, offer functionality to the various pins. With seven digital connections, four analog connections, four I2C connections, and a UART connection, the base shield can be easily mounted onto an Arduino UNO board and programmed through the Arduino IDE. Now available from the Arduino Store, the Arduino Sensor Kit comes as a standalone kit for only €23.00 / US$25.00, or can be purchased with the Arduino UNO Rev3 board as a great value bundle for €38.70 / US$39.80. For more details, check out our website here.